To celebrate the 124th birthday of President Ho Chi Minh, on 19/5/2012, the VNMH Communist Party Unit, Cell 3 organized a meeting to discuss on the topic “Learn and follow the Ho Chi Minh’s moral example”.
The meeting was attended by Dr. Nguyen Van Doan, Standing Party Member, Secretary of Cell 2 and Deputy Director; Dr. Vu Manh Ha, Secretary Cell 3 and Deputy Director; and the party members of Cell 3.
The members of VNMH Standing Committee of Communist Party Unit attended the meeting

Overall view of the meeting
This meeting is held to respond to the campaign launched by Vietnamese government on “Learn and follow the Ho Chi Minh’s moral example”.

M.A Nguyen Thi Truong Khanh is delivering her presentation
M.A Nguyen Thi Tuong Khanh, member of Cell 3 has made a presentation called “From the President Ho Chi Minh’s teachings to the morality in working and museum career”.
The presentation has highlighted 5 qualities required for the government officers, as followed:
First: Diligence, Saving, Transparent, Righteousness, Fair
Second: High responsibility
Third: Discipline, Creative in working
Fourth: Ambition, Struggling
Fifth: Friendly, Co-operative
It also highlighted the morality in museum career. Illustrating by stories when President Ho Chi Minh visited the Revolutionary Museum and Historic Museum, he left the deep and delicate lessons for the museologists.
The meeting has been executed in a special environment, as on the birthday of Uncle Ho (19/5). It has been done through the democratic and open manner with many positive exchange and discussions.

The Party members of Cell 3 attended the meeting
News, photos: Thu Nhuan, Nguyen Huong
EN: Tran Trang