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Bảo tàng lịch sử Quốc gia

Vietnam National Museum of History

14/05/2014 15:21 2135
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To celebrate the International Museum Day 18 - 5 - 2014, the International Council of Museums (ICOM) has launched the theme of celebration highlighting how “Museum collections make connections”.

Following the document no. 123/DSVH-BT dated 11/3/2014 regarding to the orientation for the celebration of the International Museum Day 2014 issued by the Heritage Department (MOCST), the VNMH has responded by organizing the activities with themes: “Object collections - road to the Museum” and “The witness tellers”.

On 12-5-2014, at the Exhibition Hall 2 (216 Tran Quang Khai), an exchange talk with war witnesses was taken place with the talks as of:

- The stories about Vietnamese soldiers in the Biên Giới Battle (1950) was told by the hero La Van Cau (he lost his right arm); and the story about his coat and how it became the object that has been kept in the VNMH.

Overall view of the talk

The veteran Hoang Dang Vinh is talking to students of University of Army Politics.

- The story about how French General De Castries was kept live was told by the veteran Hoang Dang Vinh who joined the Dien Bien Phu Battle 1954. He also told story about the Dien Bien Phu historical photos and the young soldiers who were awarded the badges in the Dien Bien Phu Battle.

The young soldier students expressed the respect and admire to the Hero La Van Cau and the Veteran Hoang Dang Vinh

The exchange talk was attended by the officers and students of the University of Army Politics and officers of VNMH. It carried out in an emotional environment. Hero La Van Cau and Veteran Hoang Dang Vinh sentimentally reviewed on the historical memories. Obviously, the stories of 60 years ago have transferred the flame to the young generation.

A soldier dedicated a song to Hero La Van Cau and Veteran Hoang Dang Vinh

Ended the exchange, Hero La Van Cau shared that he has joined many TV live shows, interviews and talk shows, but, the talk today is very special that very emotional, close and deep to him. Because the talk was made right in the museum exhibition room where displays about the Dien Bien Phu Battle, and he can talk directly to the young soldier students who are obligated to peace keeping for the country.

MA. Nguyen Thi Thu Hoan - in charge of Public and Education Department presented the gift to Hero La Van Cau and Veteran Hoang Dang Vinh

Hero La Van Cau and Veteran Hoang Dang Vinh took photographs with soldier students of University of Army Politics and officers of Public and Education Department, VNMH

On 16-5- 2014, the VNMH will hold a talk with a theme “Object collections – road to the Museum” with the presentations made by Dr. Vu Quoc Hien - former Deputy Director of VNMH and artist Chu Van Ve - Vice Manager of Collection and Research Department.

News/photos: Minh Vượng- Thu Hoan

EN: Tran Trang

Viet Nam National Museum of History



Treasures of the Red River. Archaeological Collections from the Museums of Vietnam.

Treasures of the Red River. Archaeological Collections from the Museums of Vietnam.

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From 18 May 2019, the exhibition “Treasures of the Red River. Archaeological Collections from the Museums of Vietnam” will be running in the Winter Palace’s Halls of the History of Ancient Writings. It is being timed to mark Ho Chi Minh’s birthday and the days of the city named in his honour.


Art performance show in VNMH

Art performance show in VNMH

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On 9/5/2014, an art performance show called ““Giai điệu Tổ quốc” (The melody of country) was made for officers and workers from VNMH, Labor Union of Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Labor Union of Fundamental Culture - Heritage Departments.