Sunday, 2/16/2025
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Bảo tàng lịch sử Quốc gia

Vietnam National Museum of History

06/05/2014 15:11 2650
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Author : Nguyen Van Thiet, Le Xuan Thanh; Publisher: Army; Size: 13.5cm x 21cm; Quantity: 258p. Year: 2014.

The Vietnamese people carried out a war of resistance against the French colanialist for nine year under the leadership of Vietnamese Communist Party and President Ho Chi Minh, won a great victory in 1953 - 1954 Winter - Spring campaign, pinnacle of it is Dien Bien Phu historic campaign,forced the French government to sign the Geneva Agreement in Geneva, ending the war, restoring peace in Vietnam.

Dien Bien Phu victory contributed to stain heroic history against foreign invaders of our nation in the twentieth century, was shining symbol of revolutionary heroism forever, resilience willed, indomitable, bravery, intelligence and Vietnamese military art, leaving much valuable lessons, great inspiration for the cause of building and defending the country. "Dien Bien Phu Campaign. The event-the number” contributed to help readers understand the development as well as the events, the number of 1953-1954 winter-spring War Department, and the Dien Bien Phu campaign. Through it, we can understand more ingenious manipulation, innovative way of military, political way of Vietnamese Communist Party of armed insurrection and revolutionary war in the particular circumstances from the year 1953 to 1954.

The book consists of two main content:

Part I. Status of preparation1953-1954 Winter-Spring War Department and Dien Bien Phu campaign. .
Part II. The fact and figures in the war against the French invasion and Dien Bien Phu campaign (1945-1954).

The Library of Vietnam National Museum of History (No. 25 Tong Dan - Hoan Kiem - Ha Noi) is pleased to introduce all readers!

Trang Nhung

Viet Nam National Museum of History



The Great Story of Vietnam

The Great Story of Vietnam

  • 28/04/2014 15:21
  • 2733

Author: Kyushu National Museum. Publishers: TVQ Kyushu Broadcasting Co., Ltd; THE NISHINIPPON SHIMBUN CO., LTD. Translators: Abe Yuriko, Maiko Behr, Pham Le Huy. Size: 23x30 (cm); Quantity: 275 (pages)