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Bảo tàng lịch sử Quốc gia

Vietnam National Museum of History

02/11/2023 11:25 679
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Within the framework of cultural exchange cooperation program between the Vietnam National Museum of History (VNMH) and the Kyushu National Museum (Japan), on the morning of October 21, 2023, the Results Announcement for Preservation of Decree Collection was launched at the Vietnam National Museum of History. This was part of a two-year project for Preservation & Restoration of Cultural Properties outside Japan which was sponsored by Sumitomo Foundation.

The meeting was attended by Mr. Nguyen Van Ha - Deputy Director of the VNMH; managers and staffs of specialized departments, Ms. To Thi Thu Trang - Director of the Cultural Museum of Vietnam Ethnic Minority Groups; Mr. Nguyen Duc Kien - Deputy Director of Vietnam National Fine Arts Museum.

Panoramic photograph of the meeting
The representatives of Japanese side included Mr. Fujii Yoshiaki - Director of Zaisho Restoration Joint Stock Company, Mr. Tamura Akira and Ms. Nakaoka Kureha - Experts of Zaisho Restoration Joint Stock Company; Mr. Shiga Satoshi - Officer of Science Dept., Kyushu National Museum.
Mr. Tamura Akira presenting the preservation results at the meeting
According to the report, in 2019, Japanese experts carried out a survey on 23 decrees at VNMH. There were 16 decrees (17th - 20th centuries) selected to preserveand restore based on their condition and value. Due to the impact of Covid-19 epidemic, this project has now been restarted and divided into 2 phases in 2023 and 2024 with 8 decrees each year.
Before carrying out the restoration process, Japanese experts surveyed and researched the characteristics of paper used for decree. Thanks to that, it is possible to make paper suitable for restoration.
Japanese experts and VNMH’s staffs preserving/ restoring decree
In the first phase (from October 16 to October 26, 2023), eight decrees were restored on the basis of maintaining the current state of the objects, ensuring the principles of museology with the aim of long-term preservation and promotion the value of objects and serving scientific research.
Mr. Nguyen Van Ha giving speech at the meeting
On behalf of the VNMH, Mr. Nguyen Van Ha expressed his deep gratitude to Japanese experts and hoped that the two sides would have more opportunities to cooperate effectively in cultural heritage preservation projects.
Delegates visiting and discussing about restored decrees
Delegates taking souvenir photo with Japanese experts

EN: Thu Hien




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