In the morning of June 20, 2014, the VNMH Museum held a talk to discuss about the current security situation on the East Sea. It was attended by many people: Major General Le Van Cuong, former head of the Strategy and Science Institute under the Ministry of Public Security (speaker), Dr. Nguyen Van Doan - Deputy Director of VNMH Museum, Hanoi war veterans, students, representatives of press agencies and museum officers.
On 1st of May 2014, China illegally dispatched the rig known as HD 981 as well as a large fleet of armed vessels, military ships and aircraft to deep inside Vietnam’s continental shelf and exclusive economic zone that threatened to the marine security and safety of East Sea.
The talk was aimed at providing precise information to the museum’s officers and workers, and especially the youth for correcting their thoughts and actions in the struggle for the country’s sovereignty. In the time of 2 hours, Major General Le Van Cuong has pointed out the current situation on the East Sea, explained why China deployed the rig HD 981 into Vietnam’s waters and the legal evidences to recognize Hoang Sa (Paracels) as of Vietnam’s sovereignty. Many questions were raised from the participants and receiving the answers from the Major General.
Major General Le Van Cuong, former head of the Strategy and Science Institute under the Ministry of Public Security is presenting the talk on East Sea’s current security situation.
The VNMH Museum is an organization that preserving many legal and historical objects and documents on the marine sovereignty of Vietnam. Namely, the ancient map “An Nam đại quốc họa đồ” (Map of the Annam Empire), the Nguyen Dynasty map “Đại Nam nhất thống toàn đồ” (Map of Vietnam under Nguyen dynasty, 1820 - 1841), the map “Hoàng Triều trực tỉnh địa dư toàn đồ” (Map of Chinese provinces made by Qing Empire), showing that China has no sovereignty over Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) but Vietnam.
News, photos: Thu Nhuần, Nguyễn Hương
EN: Tran Trang