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Bảo tàng lịch sử Quốc gia

Vietnam National Museum of History

10/01/2019 15:20 3626
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November 1924 Nguyen Ai Quoc arrived to Guangzhou China where was in a favorable political situation.

 November 1924 Nguyen Ai Quoc arrived to Guangzhou China where was in a favorable political situation.

In those time Guangzhou was a revolutionary center of giant China. Local people were opened to show their imotion, it’s hard to describe Guangzhou of those days. Guangzhou of those time was like incredible Russia in 1917. It seemed that the human language is not enough to interprete  all spectrum of people’s emotion appeared in streets and squares: indignation and joy, love and hate(1). Moreover Guangzhou was a meeting place for Vietnamese patriots in various periods of time which were mainly the community from Nghe Tinh province of Vietnam. Revolutioners of different generations from senior generation as Phan Boi Chau, Nguyen Thuong Hien to inteligent young patriots who came there after Wold War one and were trying to unite in the patriotic organization of “Tam Tam Xa”

After approval of his role in the council of political advisers headed by M.M Borodin(2). Nguyen Ai Quoc began to contact with Vietnamese revolutioners here seeking opprtunities for the organization of the Communist party in the Indochina region according to the task set by the Comintern. Thank to his active works the 1st Vietnamese revolutionary organization of Maxist orientation was born in Jun, 1925: Việt Nam Cách mạng Thanh niên (Revolutionary Youth of Vietnam).

Nguyen Ai Quoc was setting this organization in the order of 3 stages: the 1st stage was setting up the secret communist cell for the core, then organizing the Revolutionary Youth of Vietnam and finally put it into the structure of the Woldwide revolutionary organization of “Association of Asian oppressed peoples” headed by  Liao Zhongkai - the left-wing leader of Chinese Kuamingtang Party. Vietnammese branch led by Ho Chi Minh and Le Hong Son was a seal keeper as it became clear from the content of the secret telegram sent by the french governor-general of Indochina Maurice Antoine François Montguillot to the  Minister of Overseas France:

 “to Minister of Overseas France, Paris

1195 Top secret! Only for you

In the organization of “Association of Asian oppressed peoples” as I had informed you earlier in telegram 1016 on July 26th, Nguyen Ai Quoc had conducted very a flexible campaign for the Annamite workers and peasants calling them for solidarity in the struggle against French domination(3).


House # 13, Yuan Ming road (248 in present) Guangzhou, China was the one of the places where the leaders of Revolutionary Youth of Vietnam had conducted the courses of political training from 1925 to 1927 

After the formation of Revolutionary Youth of Vietnam, Nguyen Ai Quoc had also developed the mind concept of a political organization:

1)    Open the training centers for political activists; 2) Issue the propaganda mass media.


The newspaper  “Thanh niên” (Youth) the printed organ of the Revolutionary Youth of Vietnam organized by Nguyen Ai Quoc in Guangzhou, issued on October, 3rd 1926.

The works of Đường Kách Mệnh (Revolutionary way) by Nguyen Ai Quoc had appeared in such situation. It was the collection of lectures arranged for political training courses in Guangzhou and a instrument for creation of  living propoganda machines. For the needs of revolution Nguyen Ai Quoc had published the collection as the book with the title known above on February 1927. It was the most significant works which had been published by the organ of propoganda of the “Association of Asian oppressed peoples” in Guangzhou in the series of the works introducing Socialism, Communism and Sun Yat-sen’s San-min Doctrine. Front page of the book was arranged as the followings: the upper raw in the left corner is “not for sale”, lower raw is big fonts “Revolutionary way” and in the last lower raw the citation from Lenin’s works “What to do?”: “The absence of the revolution argumentation causes the absence of a revolution in action, only by the vangard revolution argumentation a revolution party can play the role of vanguard of revolution”. In the circle a pattern of a man with tied hands and a oval seal overlapped on the pattern, in the center of the seal an inscription in Chinese, in the outer side of the seal an inscription in Vietnamese “Issued by propoganda organ of the Association of oppressed peoples”

Associated professor: Phạm Xanh

Translator: Nguyen Thai Hung 



1. C. A Dalin “The memoir of China 1921-1927” (in Russian language), publishing house Science, Moscow 1975, p. 217. 
2. In the memoir of Mrs. V.V Veshniakova-Akimova – a translator of Mr. Borodin there was a flashback about Ly Thuy – (an alias of Nguyen Ai Quoc): I still remember he was slight but not quite tall, wearing wide white clothing, he was fluent in French, English, Cantonese and some Russian. He taught me some Vietnamese words. He was interested in teaching me so he did that every time he could. He was living with us very friendly but guardedly and he never shared with us about his previous works. We didn’t know about him anything except one thing that the French imperialists wanted him for a big reward and Chinese Kuomintang government granted him a political asylum. In the Borodin’s house, he was as a family member. 
3. Citation from the book “Vietnamese comradeship of young communists” Publishing house “Information and argumentation” p.81



National treasure from Lach Truong estuary

National treasure from Lach Truong estuary

  • 10/01/2019 15:06
  • 3408

Among 30 museum pieces recognized in 1st review as National Treasures a piece from sea, exactly from estuary: Lach Truong estuary, the land between 2 districts of Thanh Hoa province Hau Loc and Hoang Hoa. The treasure called bronze lamp which was found in 1953 in brick tomb aging first centuries AD.